Thursday, July 29, 2010

I took some pics at the kids ministry I help out with during the midweek service. This is run by women and most of the helpers are girls.
We start out in the classroom where parents can drop off the kids, thats where we were playing duck duck goose. Then we went out and did relay races during gametime, those are the pics on the field. Then snack time on the sidewalk and a short serman inside. Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I interviewed one of the lady's I mentioned in my last post :) here it is!

Q: When did you become a member of the church?
A: We came to Trinity in 1996, and probably became members a couple of years later...maybe 1998?

Q: When did you decide you wanted to help out in ministries there?
A: We became part of Awana right away because we wanted to serve and it allowed us to be with our 2 kids and see what they were doing, since we were new to this and had NO idea what it was...

Q: What ministries are you currently involved in?
A: Currently, I am the director of TSA (Trinity School of the Arts) and the early childhood ministry. My husband and I are shepards for our age group in ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship), I do the radio ministry, I conduct all the background checks for the church and we house various guests for the church now and then... and fill in where and when needed.

Q: Do you enjoy it?
A: I LOVE serving God in this way, it is a gift to me to be able to work at the church and give back to him for all he's done in my life.

Q: What do you think is a womens role in the church?
A: I feel it is to be a helper to the pastoral staff in any way we can and to help further the gospel, to fellowship and encourage others in the faith, to meet needs that arise, and to be a teacher and role model for the younger ladies by walking closely with our Lord... Luke 12:48 is a motivating verse for me as well as Proverbs 31.

This woman, I think, does exactly what she said a womans role is in question 5. And while still doing all that she finds the time for all of those other ministries!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Timothy 2:9-10 Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness- with good works.

What does this mean? The first part of verse 9 states that women should dress respectably with modesty and self-control, this is pretty self explanitory. When in church and actually wherever they are they should be dressed modestly and without any crazy accesorizing to draw attention. That "crazy accesorizing" is warned against in the next part of the verse "not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire" this isn't saying that its wrong to braid your hair or wear nice jewelry, but if your only focused on how you look and spend lots of money to make sure you always look "your best"... then you are focusing on the wrong thing. Its not wrong to want to be beautiful but God should be your main focus, not the way you look.

Moving on the verse 10. "but what is proper for women who profess godliness-with good works." this is a continuation of verse 9 which warns us about how to dress. Verse 10 says that is is proper for a women to show herself through her good works. I know of 2 specific women who attend the same church as me who are amazing examples of this. They both help out in the church so much and absoluty love the ministrys they are involved in and throw themselves wholeheartedly into those ministrys. I respect them both a great deal and wish I could be like them whenever I help out in the church. No they are not young and amazingly beautiful, but the joy they get out of ministering and helping others become involved in ministry is truly a beautiful thing to witness.