Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Last night was my last night helping with the Kindergarten through second grade on Wednesday nights :( Summer is almost over! I go back to school in 9 days and the kids I helped with go back in 6 days. This summer flew by! Some of the kids have gotten so much taller!
In this post I'd just like to tell you about my last night with the kiddo's. To start off I was
asked if I would give a little girl named Morgan a piggy back ride, turns out she didn't really
want to get off, and didn't until we went out for game time :) once outside they did relay
races and a few of the girls didn't want to play because they didn't understand it fully and
were pretty shy. I sat with these girls and tried to get them to open up a little bit, they did!
Leaves were starting to fall so they were picking them up and crumbling them, after they had
that figured o
ut they decided it would be fun to throw these crumbled leaves at me. It was
adorable, I did end up having quite a few leaves that I had to shake out of my hair.

We got them all to the other side of the building for snack and one little girl comes up to
me and tells me she can't find her shoes. I gave her a piggy back ride back over to the field
and we found her shoes then went back to the snack area. After snack we go in for song time
and the message. There's a little girl named Sabrina who sits on my lap every time, I love her!
She fell asleep this time, She's in kindergarten.

I'm going to miss working with these kids when I go back to school, but I can't wait to go back! Most of these kids will still be in this class next summer when I come back so I'll still get to help out and play with most of these kids next year! I look forward to it!

Monday, August 16, 2010

In earlier posts I shared some video's of some of the ministry's I was helping with. Those were all pretty formal and just facts. Today I would like to tell you some of the reasons why I love helping out with kids ministry's :)

#1. I love kids!! there so much fun to be around and its amazing what they can think of! They have great imaginations and it just makes me happy to hear some of their crazy idea's. For example in my 3 and 4 yr old class I had one little boy left waiting to be picked up and I asked him what he wanted to do while waiting for his mom, he told me he wanted to take over the world...with dinosaurs :) it made my day!

#2. Because I love kids I love being able to watch them grow, learning to speak better and better, I remember when the 3's and 4's were 2 and how much they've grown up since then! Its unbelievable! How they react to things like when they get hurt or when they're told they need to share, its just such a difference! I was at college last year so when I left these kids were 2 or 3 now they all just seem so big!

#3. I love being able to teach these kids about God! I don't think its ever to early to start telling a child about the God who created the world. In the class I teach it makes me very happy when we talk about a bible character and these kids already know so much about him! I enjoy taking the story's I grew up learning and bringing it down to their level and making it fun for them!
I would encourage anyone and everyone to get involved with a childrens ministry at your local church! Its fun to watch the kids grow and there also a blast to play with, you play a simple game with them and it makes them feel special and your their favorite person for an hour :) Kids don't need to much to be happy and that happiness is contagious!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Proverbs 31 Woman
-The woman who fears the Lord
I'm going to go through and list some of the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 Woman
- She is an excelent wife, far more precious than jewels.
- Her husband can trust her, and he will have no lack of gain, she does him good and not harm all the days of her life.
- She works willingly with her hands.
- She rises early.
- Prepares food for her household and servants.
- She considers a purchase before buying.
- She dresses herself in strength and makes her arms strong.
- She only buys things that are profitable.
- She opens her hands to the poor and is helpful to the needy.
- Her family is well clothed.
- Strength and dignity are her clothing.
- She speaks with wisdom.
- She's a kind teacher.
- She is not idle.
- Her children call her blessed.
- Her husband also praises her.
- She fears the Lord
This is a HUGE list, and no one is perfect, but we can all strive to have some of these qualities ourselves, and have people notice these qualities in us!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Timothy 2:11-12
Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to excersise authority over a man; rather she is to remain quiet.

This is a sensitive subject for many woman out there and I would just like to adress this verse by explaining it as best I can.

"Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness." The way I interpret this is when you are learning something new (in school, a new ministry, how to fix something ect.) then be quiet while your being taught, that makes the most sense too, you'll learn whatever it is faster if your quiet and listening. Also don't be rude and obnoxious while being taught, the teacher is taking time out of their scedule to teach you so be polite. I had a friend in high school who was the exact oposite of this verse. She was a very loud obnoxious person who never was quiet and attentive, after a while I couldn't stand to be around her anymore! I wasn't learning because she was continuously talking to me during the class and making fun of the teachers after. I am no longer her friend and have not spoken with her in a while.

"I do not permit a woman to teach or to excersise authority over a man; rather she is to remain quiet." I believe this verse is about the womans role during church. A woman should not be the pastor of a church because this places her over every man. I know that when a woman does become a pastor her personal life will most likely fall apart. My Aunt is a pastor and she has recently been devorced, my cousin is in and out of therapy to treat an eating disorder. My Aunt still preaches and I know she is a christian but because she is placing herself over the men there are problems. In the church during meetings or whatnot I beleive it is fine for a woman to take part of those, but any place of authority in the church belongs to a man.